Floating Modular Platforms
We have realized most diverse structures acquiring much experience in the field year after year.
In this direction wen studied a modular interlocking blocks system targeted for use in the shipyards to facilitate the conduct of all work near the boats, to work directly in the water safely.
With the platform-work you can clean, wash, painting, polishing, welding etc. boats directly into the water, safely and without fear of scratching the hull.
We designed a specific coupler to connect a scaffold to the platform to work on larger vessels.
Every 50 cm there is an anchoring ring. The platform is completely in polyethylene to avoid damaging the hull. Ease of transport and assembly: the platform is completely dismantled into individual blocks which can be transported with a van.
The platform is modular so you can achieve the most suitable to your workspace size, lengthening or changing the size at any time. This modularity makes it unique for this job because you can adapt to your workspace. The platform has a floating capacity of 350 kg per square meter. It is built of plastic material then totally resistant to solvents, paint or acids. It is also a perfect electrical insulator.